[Video: Jessica Leibowitz of My Camera Eats Food]

The first step to great food is great knife skills. Check out more Knife Skills this way!

It's pomegranate season, and yeah, picking out pomegranate seeds one at a time and popping them in your mouth might be a really zen way to enjoy a delicious snack, but some times you just want to shoot them back like a load of antioxidant-rich Lifesaver's holes, right?
For times like those, you'll want to get them all out of the shell as quickly and neatly as possible, and the blood-red juice has a habit of staining fingers pink. Well this video will show you an easy method to take advantage of the relative densities of the seeds and pith to separate the two as painlessly and stainlessly as possible.

Shopping and Storage

This time of year, you can find pomegranates almost anywhere, and to be honest, most of them will be good. As with most fruit, feel your way around and go for the ones that seem the heaviest for their size—these'll be the juiciest. Pomegranates should be firm and dense, and make a slightly hollow sound when you flick them with your fingernail. The flower end should be tight with no signs of drying out or decay.
Once you get them home, you can store them in a cool, dark place for about two weeks, or keep them in the fridge in the vegetable crisper for well over a month. They're tough little suckers.
As one of the oldest fruits (like, biblical old), their uses are wide. They're great s dessert on ice cream, or tossed into a salad. Sweet wine-based stews and North African or middle eastern dishes also do well with a sprinkling of them on top. What do you use pomegranates for?

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